I’m shamefully eating meatballs in an IKEA cafeteria on a shopping break as I read this, Latham. But mainly I’m grateful to know you have this magical tradition of tromping into a snowy wood solo. Happy winter solstice, my friend. I look forward to reading more in 2024.

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"I want to know that something special is coming, something special will happen, even as I don’t know exactly what." -- Loved it, Latham. So, so relatable. Happy Holidays, man.

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This is a great read. Thanks.

I have been sharing a few pieces of advice for Christmas. This complements it so well with good historical info.

Love it.

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What a beautiful reminder to pause and see the season with purity. If I had children, I’d read this to them. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Latham! 💗

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Loved this Latham. Beautiful holiday read. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family

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Merry Christmas Latham. I bask in your tree hunting and cutting tradition--I did it for so very long in the Colorado forests. Thank you for reminding me how special it was.

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Just wanted you to know that you officially jump-started my lagging Christmas spirit with your article today. Thank you Latham.

"I understand all that convenience. But I don’t want easy; I want surprise. What are our rituals to remember longing, enchantment, pre-logical awe? What have we lost in the search for more comfort and efficiency?

My search for just the right tree is my own ritual, a reminder that some things are worth waiting for. It doesn’t come quickly, and I like it that way. In the waiting, I make room for the numinous."

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Nice read, Latham, on the other hand, rituals aren't all that great either, as many Indian festivals are replete with them, some mindlessly so. I think what we need is a mindful celebration, with whatever rituals we deign to retain and repeat.

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I imagined this and wow.... what a reality that such was the case so many years ago:

"Imagine being arrested for showing a boughed wreath or a tree in your home. Imagine the fine for hanging a stocking in your shop."

Thank you for writing this Latham.

Reading this piece provoked introspective thoughts that I didn't know I needed.

God bless!

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This brought me right back into Christmas. Hope you had a great holiday break. Can't wait to see what you've got cooking up for 2024.

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