Lovely. Read this sitting on the patio of my childhood home, and this really made me feeling something. Thanks.

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Beautiful Latham. Loving and living inside the dwelling of myself.

I know a big focus for you is writing about building the plane, but I’m so glad you’re still writing essays that come up from your heart, regardless of the topic.

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Great to see this series start up again with you guys. And we had a similar experience with our missing toddler in the middle of the night only to find him asleep with our Akita mix who was curled protectively around him.

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I’ve lived in 17 places in 44 years (briefly including my grandparents’ ranch home that felt strikingly similar to your description!) With an impending #18 on the near horizon… and hopefully my FIRST owned home… I’m so scared of settling for something less than ideal because of our small budget. Reading this gave me a renewed sense of faith though! It probably WILL be less than ideal but home is what you make of it.

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Haunting, Latham. Can't wait to continue this tomorrow, especially since I poke at Berry's ideas a little. As you know from our chats, it's not always that simple for everyone. A lot of other dominoes have to fall into place, and we have to have at least our basic needs met (with some assurance that our security will continue) to be able to focus on what's beneath our feet.

I do still dream of calling Montana home and perhaps sharing some moments there with you.

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Beautful. I relate so much to the constant moving and the inner journey.

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Nice. Enjoyed reading that. thanks

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Latham—who knew Neverland was in freakin’ Oklahoma? 😉

I love the piece and I can’t help but relate your early experiences in your home to a business startup. In that—we grow exponentially in importance and function, but so fondly remember the early days of struggle as our finest memories. Maybe not -20 but…

Well done and thanks for kicking us off this week. Per our discussions as a group—Home is such a malleable concept—and I can’t wait to see how we all pin it down in our own lives. 🙏

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Wow! another fantastic piece of writing, makes me feel nostalgic. Looking forward to the next.

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Wonderfully put Latham. I understand a lot of your frustration, particularly with all the Navy moves. I am still a bit in the wandering phase unfortunately. Even though my Navy days are done, we are staying here until our daughter is done with school but this is not "home". We will see where the road leads. Montana sounds nice:)

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