Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner

funny, I just kind of wrote about the same thing

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Beautiful piece, my friend. I have so much admiration for the courage it took to write and share this and the grace and perceptiveness with which it's written. Having had my own moments like yours, curled up in the closet, I can relate to those counterintuitive feelings - curious, courageous, free, alive. I think those moments can be formative, necessary, and instructive for those of us who live to reflect on them. And for those who don't? Like you, I'm deeply curious about the moment in between and what lies on the other side.

Awesome writing.

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Thank you for this. Quiet, profound, shocking.

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Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner, Chad Smith

Wow Latham. This is a profound share. I've never come up against a pain so acute that I sat with a weapon in hand, but I completely relate to the excitement of taking one's own life, which I equate with the act of giving up an identification with a part of myself I've been attached to. Walking away from a particular job, relationship, habit, offer of money, or way of seeing myself is something I've done many many times, as has anyone who is on the path of growth. The ability to intentionally end parts of one's life rather than the whole thing at once seems to be central to the art of living.

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Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner

Wow. Thank you.

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As a child of someone who committed suicide, the answer will never be there for me.

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Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner

I appreciate you sharing this, man. It's pretty difficult to share when you get so close to ending things, and especially with strangers. Not sure if I'll ever write about it, but hearing other's stories brings a sense of solidarity, even if it's past tense.

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Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner

Thanks for sharing Latham. Ultimately it’s not about what we think of what you experienced--but rather what you feel about sharing it. And you have shared that feeling. Good on ya. I’ve found in my own journey that sharing is healing.

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Jan 30Liked by Latham Turner

You are a writer. Few are, but you are.

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Latham, I am glad for the tons of words that exist because you resisted 5 pounds of pressure.

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Latham, I’ve been in the closet several times in my life, but with sheer anxiety. I deeply admire your courage and vulnerability to express this, so eloquently. Our world would have been a better place with your friends in it, and is a better place with you and your contribution in it. 🙏

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This was powerful and so so well executed my friend. The intro gripped my attention. You then used a seemingly mundane idea to connect it to something complex and very emotional. And then you finish with sharing something vulnerable and personal in a way that we can all see ourselves in it. Great job (as always)

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Impressive writing and vulnerability. This flowed so well.

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This line really hit me:

"When the weight of the trigger against their finger went from heavier and heavier to suddenly lighter"

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Feb 1Liked by Latham Turner

I can imagine this must’ve been scary to hit publish on. It’s an incredible story, incredibly told, and I’m so glad you did. This piece feels like communion.

And as a writer I’m continually inspired and encouraged by your honesty and vulnerability.

Love it Latham.

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