Mar 11Liked by Latham Turner

I don't see how anyone could get closer to sharing an unspeakable truth than this Latham. So much, so rightly and artfully unsaid here my friend. I am very glad you are continuing to write for us.

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Mar 11Liked by Latham Turner

Latham, I kid you not, I spent my lunch break TODAY snooping on your profile to make sure you posted a Note recently to reassure myself that you were indeed still around this earth plane. I ALMOST DM'd you (since that's a thing now) but told myself, no no, don't be a weirdo, it's only been a month, he's undoubtedly just busy......... Then POOF, you are there in my inbox! I'm SO excited to hear more about your retreat and the worldview you can't exactly describe, but you should try. "Until tomorrow, when I forget anew what I am." Exactly. But take your time. Pop in when you can. Write beautiful things like this. And maybe I'll DM next time my soul starts to itch!

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Latham - so wonderful to hear from you. First, let me say your son hit the lottery with you as a dad. I've missed you - and it's wonderful to hear your priorities are in the right place.

You asked: "What have you known but been unable to explain to anyone? And what are the examples that move your understanding of life?"

My answer - That God dwells in all of us, as us. And, in all things, like a rose, or a honey bee - uniquely as the rose, and the honey bee. And, since God dwells in everything, we are all connected. One. Contrary to what society tells us at every turn, there is no "them."

I don't expect others to understand. Thank you for asking.

Most importantly, thank you for writing such a beautiful poem.

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Mar 11Liked by Latham Turner

Enjoyed this Latham. It’s nice to see you back with a new post. Despite loving reading, I was never a big fan of poetry. Then, kind of out of nowhere, once I entered my thirties, I started seeking it out and very much enjoying what the form could do that non-fiction (my favorite) and literature could not. And, as you allude to here at the end, I think it very much has to do with being able to get at what we know, but often feel unable to explain. Thanks for sharing, and I look forward to more.

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Hey, for what it’s worth, I noticed you were gone. Glad to read your post.

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Mar 12Liked by Latham Turner

There are no coincidences, especially in the spiritual realm. ;)

Wonderful work, Latham, and by the sounds of it, you’re only getting warmed up. Thanks for sharing.👏✍️

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Was missing you. Glad to see "you are exactly where you are meant to be". And also doing "something for you".

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It’s a great poem and has real resonance after seeing the first spring sunrise for days from the New England coast. Your return to Substack is also inspiring. I guess that a broken chain can always be mended.

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Mar 13Liked by Latham Turner

What have I known but been unable to explain? Firstly Latham thank you for asking this question. After reading it, my mind entered a kind of quiet and ready-to-realize state, as if I just read a koan. What if I tried saying it now, could I explain it? The invitation felt like a beautiful gift for the creative imagination.

Here’s my try — the world we see around us is not the whole picture. We do not die. Everything is alive. We, everything that changes, are all interconnected with a permanent fundamental unchanging oneness.

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Beautiful reflection. Great to see you back, my friend.

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